A Better Future

Working Towards A More Sustainable World

Our Pledges

Tree Planting

For every job we complete, we pledge to plant one tree with Carma Earth.
This helps to offset our carbon footprint and contributes to reforestation efforts, promoting a greener and healthier environment.

Reduce Ocean Pollution

For every completed job, we pledge to plant kelp with Carma Earth, reducing CO2 and helping ecosystems to thrive in our oceans.

Keep The Pound Local

To support local economies, we prioritise sourcing materials and services from local suppliers and branches.

Apprenticeship Training

Providing hands-on training and mentorship, ensuring that apprentices gain valuable experience and knowledge.

Social Value & Charity Work

We actively engage in various social value and charity work initiatives, supporting local causes and organisations that make a difference.

Continuous Improvement

We aim to continually enhance our processes, services, and outcomes through ongoing training, new technologies, and client feedback

Social Value

At Logic, social value is at the heart of everything we do. We’re deeply committed to making a positive impact, and helping others is a core part of our mission.
Here’s a look at some of our recent efforts, where we’ve partnered with local communities to enhance lives and create lasting change.

Our latest Impact statistics


Kelp Planted


Tonnes of CO2 Removed


Trees Planted

Our Carbon Reduction Plan

At Logic, we are committed to a sustainable future. Our Carbon Reduction Plan outlines the steps we are taking to minimise our environmental footprint and work toward a low-carbon economy. Through innovation, efficiency, and collaboration, we aim to reduce emissions across our operations while helping to create a cleaner, greener world for future generations. Explore our initiatives and join us on our journey toward carbon neutrality.